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    Efficiency meets electricals

    Be kind to the planet (and your wallet) with energy efficient appliances

    Energy Efficicent Appliances

    Energy Efficient Appliances

    Get to Know

    Stock up on energy saving tips (and save some cash while you’re at it) while learning all about these clever super-efficient features.

    Things to Know

    When picking out an appliance that'll be the heart of the home, the energy label helps us find the most energy efficient model. If you want to save on your energy bills, learn all about how the energy rating system works here.

    Get inspired

    Energy Labels

    Get up to speed on the new energy labels for household appliances

    Find out more

    How much does it cost to run your appliances? We did the maths.

    Find out more

    Debunking Energy Saving Myths

    Debunking energy saving myths

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    Leftover recipes to clear your fridge

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