Best thing since the invention of the toaster.
I resisted the urge to get one thinking it was just another gadget fad that would fade away once the next gadget came along. I'm not going to admit that I was wrong but this thing is great and we have rarely used our normal cooker or oven since getting this air fryer.
Don't let the name 'fryer' mislead you because you can roast and bake in this too.
A simple example, I'm not a fan of oven chips, I always find them to be soggy, limp, and tasteless. Put them in an air fryer and they come out nice and dry with a crisp outer coating and taste great. Bacon sandwich, 180 degrees for 7-8 minutes no oil, let them cook in their own fat, no more standing over a frying pan, sit back and wait for the beep, job done.
Chicken, pork, baked potatoes, veggies, you name it, all can be done with the various settings and this model comes with a handy guide to get you started with temperatures and times. A lot of what you buy in the supermarket now have instructions added for cooking in an air fryer.
Having the dual compartments is fantastic because it gives you a number of options:
Different things at different temps and times
Sync times: Different things to create a meal and if one thing takes 10 minutes and the other takes 5 minutes you can sync them so the first will start and then when it gets to the five minute point the other side will start so both sides finish at the same time.
Match Sides: If you want both sides to cook at the same temp and time then press the match button and they will.
After all of that it is really easy to clean too, soap and water or use the dishwasher. As this is the larger model the actual drawers are a little on the heavier side but not unmanageable.
Anyway, I'm still not admitting I was wrong!