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    Hobs with Safety Turn Off


    A hob with a safety turn off feature means you can cook with confidence any day of the week. If the flame goes out, this nifty tech will automatically stop the gas supply, keeping you and your family safe while dinner gets sorted.


    Picture this: your pasta water boils over; the hob flame goes out and then you smell gas. That’s where the safety turn off feature comes in. Since it automatically cuts the gas supply, you can keep calm and carry on cooking. Ahh, peace of mind – feels good, doesn’t it?

    Also look out for…

    Flame failure

    Enjoy some extra peace of mind, thanks to this model’s Flame Failure feature. If the flame goes out, it’ll automatically stop the gas supply to keep your home and family safe. Now you can cook with confidence every day, without the worry of anything going wrong.

    Quick stop

    There’s nothing better than flipping pancakes over a gas hob, but what if you don’t notice the flame going out? The Quick stop feature automatically cuts off the gas supply if the hob doesn’t light, keeping your home safe from leaks. So, crack those eggs and get cooking.


    To make this hob extra safe, it comes with a special GasStop feature, so you’ll never have to worry while you’re cooking. If a flame is ever extinguished by a pan boiling over or a strong draught getting in the kitchen, this safety system will automatically stop the supply of gas to the burner. This lets you enjoy added peace of mind while you’re preparing dinner, so you can cook safely and confidently.