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    Tried and Tested: Can Bosch’s VitaFresh technology help us reduce our problematic food waste?

    If you’re sick of tossing out soggy lettuce and limp leeks, Bosch’s VitaFresh technology is here to help. We reached out to mum of two Meggan and asked her to see if it helped reduce her family’s food waste. Scroll on to find out if it did the trick…

    Hi there - I’m Meggan and I’m a lifestyle blogger. As a family of four, we need a large fridge freezer, and this Bosch VitaFresh model ticked all of our boxes. I hate to admit it, but we’re often dealing with a lot of food waste in this house, because our fresh groceries tend to perish before we get to the middle of the week. I’m excited to see if a new fridge freezer can help us cut this down, because we’d love to play our part and do our bit for the environment.

    Great to have you on board, Meggan! To begin with, what would you look out for the most when choosing a new fridge freezer? Is food waste a problem for you?

    Firstly, I look for a fridge freezer that’s large enough for the four of us - especially because we have two hungry snack monsters. Secondly, it has to be able to keep our fruits and vegetables fresh for as long as possible. I don’t like wasting food, and we’re really trying to cut down on what we throw away.

    Okay, so what were your first impressions of the model that we asked you to try out?

    I was really impressed with how big it was, it’s literally double the size of our old one. It looks great in the kitchen too, and it fits into the space perfectly without being too snug or having any large gaps either side. I tend to worry about meat contaminating other items in the fridge, so having the separate VitaFresh drawer is a lifesaver.

    Would you be able to give us a quick rundown of what VitaFresh exactly is?

    Of course. So, VitaFresh is a feature in the drawer that keeps your fresh foods in better condition for longer. Because it lets you change the temperature and humidity inside, you can create the perfect environment for whatever you’re storing – be it meats, fish, veggies or fruits.

    Like I said above, we’re guilty of wasting a lot of food, and I think everyone will be able to relate to that on some level. Our old model didn’t keep our bits fresh, so by the time we wanted to use them for a family meal, we wouldn’t be able to. With VitaFresh, I’ve found my ingredients last much longer than before. I think it’s amazing and definitely something that every family needs – it saved me £23.50 last week! 

    Amazing! One of the challenges that we set you was to see how long a weekly shop would last in the new appliance. How did you get on? 

    I’m really excited to answer this one, because we had an amazing result. I do our big shop every Sunday, and I’m happy to report that by the Sunday of the following week, we still had fresh fruits and veggies. The meat that was left over was still very much useable too. I found that by being able to control the humidity myself, items like sweetcorn and broccoli didn’t go off as soon as they used to. Our meats were kept fresh too, and the only thing we had to throw out was a few raspberries, but they never last long anyway. The strawberries lasted a full 7 days, whereas before, they’d be soft and squishy by day 4/5.

    There were a few other factors that I think played a part in keeping our food fresh. Firstly, it came with frost free technology, and we didn’t see a single spot of ice all week. It also came with a door alarm, which would tell us if we had accidentally left it open. This helped to keep the fridge’s temperature consistent, which in turn kept our food fresher. Oh, I really loved the wine rack too, but who wouldn’t?

    And finally…the verdict! How well do you think this fridge freezer did on the whole? And, who would you recommend it to?

    No doubt about it, it gets a solid 10/10 from us. It’s been brilliant at combatting food waste, and I honestly don’t know how we lived without it. I’d recommend it to any family whose fridge freezer is the heart of their home. We use our fridge freezers all the time, so I think a VitaFresh model is definitely worth investing in.

    This Bosch fridge freezer was gifted free of charge in exchange for a honest review.