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    Tried out Samsung Auto Optimal Wash Feature & Here's the Result

    Hands up if you free-pour your detergent, close your eyes and hope for the best? We’re right there with you. We reached out to Kate from @thebungalow_reno and challenged her to test out Samsung’s Auto Optimal Wash feature. Because it measures the right amount of detergent for you, you’ll never use too much or too little again.

    We might be a small household of two, but somehow, we manage to produce the same amount of washing that you’d expect to see with a typical family of four. My partner, Paul, wears a lot of clothing to work each day, 6 days a week. He comes home absolutely filthy, so I was keen to put Samsung’s Auto Optimal Wash feature to the test, and to see how clever it really is. I’ve heard great things…

    Let’s jump straight in! The model that you tried out had Samsung’s Auto Optimal Wash feature, can you sum it up for us?

    My first thought was that ‘Auto Optimal Wash’ sounded like a very clever and handy feature, and I can confirm that that’s exactly what it is. Basically, there are 4 sensors built into the machine, and these measure the weight of your clothes and how dirty they are. It’ll then automatically work out how much water, detergent and fabric softener is needed – avoiding waste and ultimately saving you money on the monthly bills. It’ll let you know if you’re running low on product too.

    Had you heard of auto-dosing machines before you tried this one out? Were you excited to give one a go, and did you have any reservations about them?

    No, I’d never heard of them before. Admittedly, I did have to read about the technology a few times to get the jist. I couldn’t understand how a machine could be clever enough to know exactly how much detergent was needed, but I was really keen to try it.

    Okay, so the first challenge was to test it out with a standard load – how did it do?

    I saved up a whole week’s worth of washing for this, because I really wanted to put the machine through its paces. The first load included 5 thick jumpers, 6 t-shirts, 2 pairs of trousers, 4 pairs of shorts, 3 hoodies and a bunch of boxers and socks. I didn’t actually think it would all fit in, but there was so much room left in the drum (it’ll definitely help me cut my washes down – bonus!).

    I used the Eco 40-60 option with the Auto Optimal Wash feature, and just like it said it would, it worked out the best temperature and water usage to suit my clothes. I was really intrigued to see if it would remove the stains on Paul’s clothing, and it did.

    Great! The second challenge was to see how it fared with a lighter load. How did you find it, and did you see any differences?

    So, this time I tried it with a few pieces of loungewear that I’m always worried about adding in with other loads (they usually get left at the bottom of the basket until I “have more time”). I used the Super-Fast 39 minute wash at 30 degrees, as the clothes weren’t ever so dirty besides a few tea stains here and there. I definitely noticed that less water was used with this wash, which again shows the Auto Optimal Wash feature coming into play.

    This model also has the AddWash door. Did you try it out, and what did you think?

    I did! I used the AddWash feature with the first load, as in true disorganised-Paul fashion, he came to me with a jumper that he’d been wearing that day in the garden. I just paused the load, popped down the door and added it straight into the drum – so simple.

    He then decided to bring me a pair of boxers to add in after he’d had a shower (clearly, he’s a big fan of late additions) and again, it was so easy. You can use the feature as many times as you like during a cycle too, even better.

    The verdict – what did you think of this machine overall? Is auto-dosing technology the future of laundry?

    I like it. I’ve never been keen on doing laundry, and I usually just pop my clothes in and hope for the best. With this machine, it’s hard to go wrong. It’s incredibly efficient with water usage, so it costs less to run and is overall much better for the environment.

    I love the auto-dosing feature, as it really does help to reduce product waste and save time. My old machine used to clog up quite a lot too, because I’d overload the detergent and conditioner drawers – but again, that isn’t a problem with this one. The 15 minute quick wash is great too, a complete time saver and ideal for when there aren’t enough clothes to justify a full wash. The AddWash door is probably my favourite feature, because it’s so straightforward to use and incredibly useful when you miss an item.

    It’s also really quiet! When I first used it, I had to keep walking into the utility room to check it was still working and even then, I’d peer inside to look for movement. I can’t help but to comment on its appearance either – very sleek, modern and 100% matches my interior design taste!

    @thebungalow_reno is using this Samsung washing machine.

    This article includes a conversation between our product expert and @thebungalow_reno, and has been written up by our copywriter.