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    American Fridge Freezer Buying Guide


    American fridge freezers are a popular choice because of their size and range of features. Our guide will walk you through everything from the different types and the best features to look out for. So, when you come to choosing, you’ll know exactly what you’re after.

    Things to know

    Energy Rating

    If you’re buying a new American fridge freezer, you’ll want one that runs as efficiently as possible. The energy rating will show you where your model sits on a scale of A-G, with A being the most efficient. Now you can keep your groceries in great shape and save some energy too.


    To guarantee the top quality you’d expect from your new American fridge freezer, most come with a little added protection in case something goes wrong. The standard warranty length is usually 1 or 2 years, and some even cover specific parts - such as the motor - for up to 20 years. You can find the warranty info for each model in the product specification on our product pages.

    Number of shelves

    All those lovely cream cakes, crunchy salads and choccy eclairs have to be stored somewhere, and for that you’re going to want shelves. The average number of shelves in an American fridge freezer is 4, but some have adjustable shelves for flexible storage as well, giving you room for taller or bulkier items.

    Total capacity

    Knowing the total capacity of your American fridge freezer is important, so you can be sure it’ll fit all your shopping inside. Capacity is measured in litres, and this can vary from around 400 to a whopping 700 – you won't have to worry about buying that little bit extra with these models. We’ve worked out how many bags of food you can store inside too. This is found on every product page, making finding the right model a lot easier.

    Split type

    American fridge freezers come in 2-door or multi-door models. They tend to be split this way rather than by fridge and freezer capacity, since the layout is different to your average fridge freezer. You can also choose between a narrow, standard or a wide model to whittle down your selection. Just remember to measure up to make sure it’ll fit. (See more below)


    American fridge freezers are measured in height, depth and width and you’ll find this information on the product pages. It’s important to remember that they’re a lot bigger than standard models in terms of bulk and width, so you’ll need to check you have enough space to fit it through the door and into your kitchen.

    Key Features

    Keep food fresh

    Storing your groceries is as simple as popping them in the fridge and closing the door, right? Not always - food can be fussy. But thankfully, there are plenty of appliances that are kitted out with clever tech that gives everything from your cheese to your peas the perfect environment for staying fresh.

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    Flexible Space

    Whether you’re prepping for a party or stocking up on veggies, you want to keep those tasty ingredients organised. A fridge or freezer with flexible space makes storing your meats and treats extra easy. From adjustable shelves to zones that can switch from a fridge to a freezer, these appliances can be customised to your every need.

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    With a smart-connected fridge or freezer, keeping on top of your groceries is easy. From built-in cameras to remote temperature control, you get everything you need for simple storage right in the palm of your hand.

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    Frost Reduction

    Tired of wasting your weekends scraping out icy build-ups? We’ve all been there. Luckily, there are plenty of top-notch models out there that do the hard work for you – by preventing the problem in the first place! That’s exactly what frost reduction is all about, so you can actually enjoy your Saturdays.

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    Turn your fridge freezer into a hydration station with an in-built water dispenser. Whether it’s a glass to keep you going after a run or you’re trying to avoid fizzy drinks, just press the button or lever and you’ll be feeling refreshed before you know it. Plus, it doesn’t matter if it’s plumbed or not, you won’t have to worry about lukewarm beverages thanks to the clever cooling tech that keeps water chilled.

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    Quick Freezing

    If you’re stocking up on frozen food, you want the big shop to last as long as possible. That’s where quick freeze comes in. It quickly decreases the temperature to freeze your groceries and lock in their flavour. So, if you love making smoothies or cooking with veggies, quick freeze, keeps everything in great shape.

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    Holiday mode

    Why waste money cooling empty space while you’re soaking up the sun? Whether it’s an impromptu weekend break or a well-deserved week abroad, these fridge freezers have an energy-saving holiday setting for when you’re away. This clever feature uses less energy and can even switch off sections entirely when they’re not in use – that’s one less thing to worry about as you take in the sights.

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    Easy clean

    If your fridge or freezer is giving off unwanted smells, or you just don’t like lingering nasties, a model with easy clean tech is for you. From catching leaks and spills to anti-fingerprint coatings, these appliances are kitted out with a heap of nifty features that help keep them spotless. So put that scrubber away, all you need here is a cloth and a quick wipe.

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    Convertible space

    Short on fridge space but there’s tons of room in the freezer? Thankfully these fridge freezers free up storage by offering convertible space. By switching unused freezer room to fridge space or vice versa, you can rest assured you’ll always have somewhere to chill your greens and keep the ice cream.

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    Energy Efficient

    Looking to make some savings on your utility bills? You’re in the right place. Whether you’re off on your hols or stocking up the freezer, these features keep your food and your bank balance happy. With plenty of options to choose from, we've broken down some handy information to help get you started.

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    Large interior drawer

    If you’re stocking up for a Sunday roast or need some extra room for your weekly shop, go for a model with a large interior drawer. These keep everything from bags of potatoes to punnets of strawberries neatly organised and safe from being squashed. Now, getting at your ingredients won’t feel like a game of Jenga – sounds good to us.

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    Drinks door

    Whenever you open the fridge door, you’re letting cold air out. You live in a busy household, everyone grabbing a quick drink will mean the door is open pretty often.. These fridge freezers have a special door designed to let you grab something quickly without wasting energy.

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    Your fridge freezer works hard to keep everything fresh and antibacterial tech helps it work even harder (so you don’t have to). There are bags of nifty features that help your greens last longer, hold onto their nutrients, and even stop nasty smells from invading your fridge.

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    Super quiet

    Ever settled in for some TV time on the couch and noticed your fridge humming a little tune to itself? These super quiet models have some really clever tech to put a stop to that and let you enjoy your evening in peace. That means no more distractions when you’re trying to catch up on the latest hit series. Result.

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    Power cut failsafe

    So, you’ve just put the food shop away and the power cuts out. We know, nightmare. Thankfully, some brands kit out their appliances with a nifty fail safe feature. This keeps your food in tip-top shape for up to around 20 hours – just double check the model you’re looking at for the exact duration.

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    Measure, delivery & installation

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